Ah, il faut le vouloir pour fêter Halloween en France : on n'est pas dans l'ambiance, à peine quelques bonbons dans le thème dans les magasins, pas de maisons décorées. Mais on ressort les vieilles déco de là-bas-dis, on en découpe de nouvelles de nos petites mains agiles, et on résiste, on résiste ! Cette année encore, une première fête anticipée, avec dîner orange & black et tenues délire.
One has to be really motivated to celebrate Halloween in France : no Halloween spirit, hardly any Halloween candy in the stores, no decorations in the frontyards -- no frontyard whatsoever, by the way. Whatever ! We dig out our good old decorations from the States, we cut out and hang a few bats and ghosts... We can do it. This year again we're having an early party with orange & black dinner plus a few wigs and costumes.
One has to be really motivated to celebrate Halloween in France : no Halloween spirit, hardly any Halloween candy in the stores, no decorations in the frontyards -- no frontyard whatsoever, by the way. Whatever ! We dig out our good old decorations from the States, we cut out and hang a few bats and ghosts... We can do it. This year again we're having an early party with orange & black dinner plus a few wigs and costumes.
Puis, le jour J, la pluie battante ne nous faisant (presque !) pas peur, nous voilà partis armés de nos parapluies et de nos copains, pour aller faire trick-or-treat dans notre petite impasse -- ayant pris soin de mettre de petits papiers dans les boîtes aux lettres des voisins pour prévenir de notre passage, quand même. Et pour inviter tous les enfants de la rue à se joindre à nous. Résultat des courses : un peu mieux que l'an dernier. On progresse, on progresse...
But when D-Day comes, a new opponent comes along : pouring rain... No fear -- well, almost... Here we go, with our umbrellas and our friends, trick-or-treating in our small cul-de-sac. Of course, we had dropped a couple notes in mailboxes the previous day, to tell people about our trick-or-treat visit, and to invite all neighborhood kids to join us. At the end, it was slightly better than last year. See, we're getting better each year !
But when D-Day comes, a new opponent comes along : pouring rain... No fear -- well, almost... Here we go, with our umbrellas and our friends, trick-or-treating in our small cul-de-sac. Of course, we had dropped a couple notes in mailboxes the previous day, to tell people about our trick-or-treat visit, and to invite all neighborhood kids to join us. At the end, it was slightly better than last year. See, we're getting better each year !