Qui veut fêter Thanksgiving avec nous ? -- Personne ? -- Ah bon, personne ne fête Thanksgiving en France ?? Mais si, on en a trouvé des volontaires ! Ils sont islandais, mais c'est encore plus original, non ? Elle, Begga, a vécu plusieurs année aux US, et perpétue la tradition. Rencontrés par hasard, ils viennent d'arriver en France avec leurs deux enfants car Jon (prononcer "Yôn") qui est handballer professionnel, a décroché un contrat avec l'équipe d'Aix. Bon, la soirée ayant été trépidante, j'en ai oublié mon appareil... Mais vu la notoriété de Jon, pas dur de trouver une photo de sa frimousse - là par exemple.
A part ça, la dinde s'est transformée en poulet (avec stuffing et mashed potatoes, quand même !) et la pumpkin pie en gâteau poire-chocolat... Un peu atypique, non ?
Thanksgiving dinner, anyone? --- No?--- Come on... Nobody is celebrating Thankgiving in France, really?? Hey, wait, we found volunteers! From Iceland, but it's even more fun, right? I met them by chance, and they just arrived in Aix with their 2 kids as Jon, a professional handballer, has been selected to play with the Aix team. As for Begga, she has lived in the States many years, and likes to perpetuate the tradition. Well, we had such a good time that I forgot to shot pics of the evening... But given that Jon is a celebrity here, it's quite easy to find a picture of his face - here for example.
Apart from that, chicken made up for turkey and chocolate-an-pear cake for pumpkin pie... Quite unusual, isn't it?
Apart from that, chicken made up for turkey and chocolate-an-pear cake for pumpkin pie... Quite unusual, isn't it?